Amherst Training 1981 - Week 3

Amherst Training 1981 - Week 3

June 22 - 25
15 video files
22 June 1981

Morning Session Tape #17
1 – Talk—Take Care of Yourself
1 – Talk—Movement Notation
2 – ATM—Supine: Holding Behind Left Knee and Straightening Leg / Flex Leg Roll-up, Supine
9 – Talk—Relationship of FI to other methods

Afternoon Session Tape #18
18 – ATM—Continuation of Previous Lesson / Heel / Clock Roll-up
22 – Talk—FI and Knowing What To Do
23 – ATM—Continuation of previous ATM
26 – Talk—FI and Know What To Do (continued)
27 – ATM—Preparation for Headstand – Carp Jump
34 – Talk—Headstand
34 – ATM—Continuation of previous ATM

23 June 1981

Morning Session Tape #19
1 – ATM—Preparation for Headstand / Crossed Feet, Knee / Hand Lift
3 – Talk—Freud and Intuition
9 – ATM—Continuation of Previous ATM
9 – Talk—FI Being Sensitive to Changes
10 – ATM—Continuation of Previous ATM
13 – FI Demonstration

Afternoon Session Tape #20
22 – Talk—Functional Integration as Improvisation
25 – ATM—Preparation for Headstand / Crossed Ankles
34 – Talk—Grades / Levels of Vitality (Hubbard)
41 – ATM—Continuation of Previous ATM

24 June 1981

Morning Session Tape #21
1 – Talk—Fitting Reality to One’s Self – Carnegie and Kruger
9 – ATM—Preparation for Headstand and Carp Jump
17 – Talk—Continuation of Previous Talk
19 – ATM—Continuation of Previous ATM

Afternoon Session Tape #22
24 – Talk—Continuation of Previous Talk
32 – ATM—Preparation for Headstand and Carp Jump, Shoulder Roll

25 June 1981

Morning Session Tape #23
1 – ATM—Body Like a Wave / Caterpillar Wave
11 – Talk—Habit and Psychoanalysis
12 – ATM—Continuation of Previous ATM

Afternoon Session Tape #24
17 – Talk—About the Brain
20 – ATM—Fast Movements / Starfish
27 – ATM—Exploring Eye Structure in Relationship to Spine

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Amherst Training 1981 - Week 3