Amherst Training 1981 - Week 5

Amherst Training 1981 - Week 5

July 6 - 9
13 video files
6 July 1981

Morning Session Tape #33
1 – FI—demonstration: Lifting, Rolling Heads; Lifting Rotating Heels
9 – FI—Practice: Lifting, Rolling and Lifting Heads; Rolling Heels

Afternoon Session Tape #34
19 – ATM—Prone-Hands in Bridge, Rotate Body
29 – ATM—Arching Back to Bridge / Bridge on Head, Holding Ankles and Sitting Bridge

7 July 1981

Morning Session Tape #35
1 – Talk—Thinking Genius / Context, Playing and FI
9 – FI Practice: Press on Head

Afternoon session Tape #36
23 – ATM—Bridging on Back and Walking on Shoulders
25 – Talk—Effects and Pressures
28 – ATM—Bridging on Back and Walking on Shoulders (continued)
33 – Demonstration–Bridging
37 – ATM—Bridging on Back and Walking on Shoulders (continued)

8 July 1981

Morning Session Tape #37
1 – Talk—Meaning of Words
5 – ATM—Bridging on Back and Walking on Shoulders (continued)
6 – Talk—Meaning of Words (continued)
7 – ATM—Bridging on Back and Walking on Shoulders (continued)
15 – Talk—When to Stop FI Lessons / When to Quit
18 – ATM—Bridging on Back and Walking on Shoulders (continued)

Afternoon Session Tape #38
25 – FI Practice: Moving Head from Kneeling, One Leg Standing
37 – Talk—Moshe’s ‘Tendentiousness’
39 – Talk—Deciding What to do Next in Class
41 – FI Practice: Moving Head and Pelvis from Kneeling, One Leg Standing

9 July 1981

Morning Session Tape #39
1 – ATM—Preparation for Headstand / Semi-bridge on back, hold ankles
12 – Talk—Knowledge / Story of Wolves / Sex and Society

Afternoon Session Tape #40
23 – FI-Demonstration and Practice: Rolling from Hands and Feet

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Amherst Training 1981 - Week 5